Hi, I'm a full-stack engineer based in Turkey!

Erkan Ercan

Full Stack Engineer, Blockchain Enthusiast

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Erkan is a creative full-stack engineer with over four years of experience, based in Turkey. He is passionate about web development, blockchain, and a fan of dogs. Erkan has produced robust code for high-volume companies in Turkey, the USA, and Japan in Fill-Labs for 3 years. Erkan is a fast-paced learner with a true mentor and eager to learn new technologies and work with a good team. Currently living in Turkey and working as a front-end engineer at TokenSuite.


1997Born in Burdur, Turkey.
2020Graduated from university as a computer engineer.
Oct 2018 - Oct 2021Worked at Fill-Labs as a Full Stack Engineer.
Oct 2021 - Apr 2022Worked at a DeFi company as a Full Stack Engineer.
May 2022 - CurrentTokenSuite ❤️

I ♥

Web, Open Source, Blockchain and Communicating with people.

On the web

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Inspired from craftzdog